Urban and Apartment Gardening

flowers in a planter next to watering can
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Urban and Apartment Gardening

How to Garden Indoors and in Small Spaces

If you live in a small apartment or studio with only a nice windowsill or patio, you’ve probably wondered, “How am I supposed to grow a garden?” Your green thumb has been driving you crazy wondering if you’ll ever figure it out. Luckily, we will show you how to have an urban and apartment garden.

First, there are some decisions you will have to make. What kind of garden do you want? Vegetables, herbs, flowers? Next, assess the amount of space you have available. Do you only have space for hanging plants, or more room for pots and raised garden beds? Regardless of your space, the best thing about gardening is the ability to be creative! Think about the type of sunlight you have. Do you only have full sun, full shade, or partial shade? Now that you have some ideas of what you would like for your garden, let’s see the type of gardens that are best for apartments. Shop vegetable seeds that thrive in small spaces, urban gardens, and on your porch or patio.

Hanging Garden

Clay Pots are perfect for hanging gardens. There are some different ways you can hang them, but most clay plots are strung together and vertically hung. Hanging a garden also gives you privacy on your porch.

Begonias are a great start for your hanging plant. Begonias are a beautiful flower that cascades over the edge of pots and is perfect for full sun. Petunias, geraniums, African violets, succulents, and ferns are other examples of flowers that look great in hanging pots.

As for vegetables tomatoes couldn’t work better. And strawberries can be grown from a hanging garden too.


Most people may think that you need a lot of land and soil for a vegetable garden, but the good news is, you don’t have to! Planting veggies in pots has increased over the years and is now sort of a trend. Some of the best vegetables to put in pots are tomatoes, beans, lettuce, peppers, kale, radishes, spinach, peas, squash, eggplant, and even carrots. Make sure you follow the directions on how deep to plant the seeds so that you can allow the vegetable to grow appropriately. Having a deep pot is perfect for deep rooted plants like carrots and radishes. Try mixing up different sizes of pots in various colors to give your patio a creative and fun look.

One of the easiest ways to have fresh spices is to have an herb garden. There are many DIY kits on how to grow herbs that include all the materials, but if you want to do it without a kit it’s just as easy! All you need is 4-5 small/medium pots depending on how many herbs you want to grow. The most common herbs are basil, thyme, mint, rosemary, and oregano. You can get cute labels or popsicle sticks to write the names of the herbs so they don’t get mixed up. Make sure you have enough soil to cover the seeds or top of the herb plant and harvest them frequently. Herbs grow best when they are snipped and develop thicker and bushier.

Flowers are very simple in pots, just be sure to have the correct pot size and soil amount. The tricky part with most flowers is the amount of sunlight you give them. Having your flowers in pots allows you to move them around if they get too much or not enough sun. Some beautiful flowers to try in your garden pots are Zinnias, Sunflowers, and Marigolds. You can put any kind of flower in pots though so don’t be afraid to mix and match.

Raised Garden Beds

Raised garden beds are fairly simple for any type of garden. They are perfect for flowers, vegetables, or a large herb garden. You can find raised garden beds on our website or make your own. If you have enough space, I recommend doing a raised garden bed based on the stability of the structure and the different ways you can build them. Just remember, the depth of the soil affects your plant choices so choose wisely as you decide what to plant.

Pollinator Plants

A pollinator garden is one that attracts a wide range of pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies, and more. These types of plants are extremely important not only to your garden, but to our entire environment! Add a few pollinator plants into your garden to help out. Some of these that we offer are the Zinnias, Zinderellas, Sunflowers, Coneflowers, Butterfly Flowers, Penstemons, and many others. You may be growing pollinator plants right now and not even know it.

Apartment Composting

If you are interested in composting, you can do it in your apartment! The easiest way to compost is with a small compost bin and compost bags. You can easily throw your food scraps after eating into the bin and start collecting compost. To cut down on odor you can add some sawdust, rock dust, leaf mulch or humus. After everything breaks down, add it to your soil for better gardening.

Apartment gardening is possible. At Park Seed Company we have hundreds of gardening plants and seeds. Check the product details at ParkSeed.com for “Uses” to find the ideal seeds and plants for your apartment garden. With these tips and tricks and the Ultimate Guide you can have a wonderful garden full of flowers, herbs, and veggies. Park Seed’s seeds are always non-GMO and exceed industry germination standards.

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