Maverick™ White Hybrid Geranium Seeds

Maverick™ White Hybrid Geranium Seeds

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Terrific heat tolerance and nonstop bloom power
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Key Characteristics
Mature Height

16 IN

Mature Width

14 IN

Sun / Shade

Full Sun

Bloom Size

0 IN



Description / Maverick™ White Hybrid Geranium Seeds

Oh, how we love the Mavericks. They are a southern gardener's salvation, thriving even in the sopping-wet humidity and searing heat of our summers. Other container plants look wilted even the same day you water them, but never Maverick. It's compact, well-branched, large-flowered, and thoroughly agreeable to weather extremes. We wouldn't want anything less for our terracotta pots and white window boxes.

Maverick is a very compact plant, reaching just 14 to 16 inches high (in full bloom) and nearly as wide. The foliage is large, softly lobed and creased, and bright green. It forms bushy rosettes beneath the flowering stems, which hold their giant spheres of blooms several inches above the rest of the plant.

And such blooms they are. White is a gleaming bright shade that stands out perfectly in the garden, particularly in late afternoon and early evening, when it appears to glow. The flowerheads are beautifully rounded and quite large, attracting attention wherever they appear. And they keep coming from the first whiff of hot June weather until the Halloween decorations go up.

Maverick is an annual geranium, which is to say not a true geranium at all, but a pelargonium, known by some gardeners as cranesbills. If you live in a frost-free climate, though, you can probably overwinter them successfully. If you don't, bring your favorites in for winter and put them in a bright window. They'll live for years with this kind of treatment. (They're also easy to propagate. Pick up some rooting hormone at the nursery and dip the cut stems of a mature Maverick into it, then plant them in a Whopper Bio Dome or small pot. They'll root like nobody's business.)

Geraniums are the essence of summer for many of us gardeners. Their very scent—a sort of garden-y aroma, not a floral but somewhat peppery and earthy—signals the arrival of summer. Nothing is more cheerful in pots marching up the porch steps or in window boxes leaning out over the garden. And they are a terrific bedding plant for full sun or light shade.

If you like Maverick White (and how could you not), we also offer orange, as well as the formula mix of all the Maverick colors. Try them all, choose your favorites, and enjoy the bliss of growing annuals that love the hot summer weather as much as you do.

Product Details

SKU 03631
Genus Pelargonium
Species x hortorum
Variety Maverick™ Hybrid White
Product Classification Annuals, Seeds
Sun / Shade Full Sun
Bloom Season Start Early Summer
Bloom Season End Mid Fall
Bloom Color White
Foliage Color Medium Green
Habit Upright
Resistance Disease Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Heat Tolerant, Humidity Tolerant, Pest Resistant
Characteristics Bloom First Year, Butterfly Lovers, Easy Care Plants, Flower, Garden Art, Long Bloomers
Uses Baskets, Beds, Border, Containers, Ornamental, Outdoor

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  1. Barbara

    Easy. Beautiful. Longlasting. 1 people found this helpful


    I wish I could post pictures! These geraniums are easy to start from seeds. The seedlings are beautiful even before buds appear. No fuss seedlings. I'm in zone 7B (now zone 8 per 2023 USDA Plant Zone Map)-Southeast. The seedlings were planted out in March. We had very high temps and humidity this summer-higher than usual since our summers are sweltering as a norm. The Maverick series performed very well during Spring, Summer and Fall. We had low temps in the mid 30's (F) this week and that did not bother these beauties. They seem to prefer the cooler temps. They are also drought tolerant. This is my 2nd year planting the Maverick series (Red, White, Mix) and I am planning on planting them again for 2024. This year I'll try my hand at storing the dry roots in my garage then planting out in the Spring. The seedlings grew to 18+ inches tall, so I can only imagine how big the dry roots will get next Summer! They are pricey, but they last so long, they're certainly worth it!
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