MixMasters™ Eye Caramba

MixMasters™ Eye Caramba

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Thrives in heat and humidity!
SKU 87995-PK-6
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Key Characteristics
Sun / Shade

Full Sun

Moisture Level

Moist, well-drained

Soil Type

Normal, loamy

Description / MixMasters™ Eye Caramba

Blue can be a hard-to-find color for the sunny annual garden, and even harder for containers. That's why Eye Caramba is such a terrific combo. The 3 varieties in this planting -- a Calibrachoa, a Petunia, and a Verbena -- not only bloom for months on end with little maintenance necessary, they also offer some of the richest azures, navies, and true-blues in the plant family! Find a special place, a unique container, and a handy camera. You'll want to keep visual memories of this amazing design!

Pollinators are delighted by this combo, and you can expect to find winged visitors almost every time you look: bees, butterflies, and even hummingbirds! It can be difficult for nectar-seekers to find early and late blooming varieties, which makes Eye Caramba doubly valuable. These blooms (especially the Verbena) usually begin before spring is out, and all 3 varieties go well into fall in most climates. The pollinators will be grateful!

Eye Caramba is a combination of bloom colors, sizes, and plant habits. Calibrachoa Cabaret® White is a mounding plant, quite compact at 6 to 10 inches high and 10 to 12 inches wide. It offsets the blues beautifully, and combines well with any other plants nearby, too. White makes everything gleam a little more brightly, and this Million Bells just doesn't quit!

Verbena Aztec® Violet Wink is a combination of a trailing and mounding plant. At 8 to 10 inches high and up to 18 inches wide (or long, depending on how you use it), it has enough heft to make a good height impression in the container, while also cascading freely from baskets and windowboxes. The beautiful white-eyed blue blooms are richly colored, keeping their impact even as evening descends on the garden. They combine with the white Calibrachoa to carry Eye Caramba from day to night effortlessly!

And then there's Petunia Flash Mob Bluerific, a big, wide-open, soft blue beauty of a flower that is simply breathtaking. This is a trailing Petunia, earlier to bloom than most others but happy to linger until frost, too. Expect it to reach 10 to 16 inches high, with new flowers setting from the center so it never "flattens out" in late summer. The trailing stems can tumble up to 30 inches over the sides of containers. It's an over-the-top show off -- and you will fall in love with it!

Heat, humidity, drought, wind, and rain are no obstacles for Eye Caramba. These plants are self-cleaning, which is good because they each set hundreds upon hundreds of blooms over their long season, and you'd never want to deadhead them! Just sweep up the neatly fallen blooms every now and again, give the plants plenty of food and water whenever you can, and your work is done! Few annual combos can make the same boast!

When your pack of plants arrives, remove all the packaging material and set the plants outdoors in a shaded, sheltered spot. Water them thoroughly, and let them rest there for a day or two. They will then be ready to transplant into their final home!

Product Details

Item Form Annual Plants
Product Classification Annuals, Collections
Sun / Shade Full Sun
Bloom Season Start Late Spring
Bloom Season End Early Fall
Bloom Color Blue, Lavender, Mix, Purple, White
Foliage Color Medium Green
Habit Spreading
Resistance Disease Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Heat Tolerant, Humidity Tolerant, Pest Resistant
Characteristics Bloom First Year, Butterfly Lovers, Easy Care Plants, Ever Blooming, Flower, Free Bloomer, Hummingbird Lovers, Long Bloomers
Uses Baskets, Beds, Containers, Outdoor
State Shipping Restrictions AK, GU, HI, PR, VI
Shipping Method Restrictions none
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