Calypso Cilantro Seeds

Calypso Cilantro Seeds

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Big yields of fragrant, tasty leaves
SKU 00596-PK-P1
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Description / Calypso Cilantro Seeds

Days to Maturity: 50

Calypso is destined to become the new workhorse of your herb garden. Stocky, very well-branched plants deliver almost unbelievable yields of fragrant, delectable leaves, simply packed with authentic cilantro flavor. Let them set seed and you have Coriander too!

Just 12- to 18-inches high and wide, this powerhouse concentrates all its energy on producing masses of flavorful leaves. The more you cut, the quicker new ones arise, for a longer-than-ever season of delicious eating!

Technically Calypso is the replacement for the old favorite Jantar, but it goes far beyond Jantar in uniformity, yields, and resistance to bolting. You're going to love it.

Cilantro is used in Mexican, Thai, Chinese, and Indian cooking. It is a staple of great Salsa, with a very spicy bite that complements the acidity of tomatoes and limes nicely. Pick fresh leaves all summer long. And Coriander is a fragrant spice widely used in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine. Fresh cilantro and Coriander from your garden are infinitely more aromatic and flavorful than most store-bought versions, so consider adding it to your vegetable garden this season.

Give Calypso full sunshine and any moist, well-drained garden soil. Hold off on fertilizers that contain nitrogen, which could reduce the flavor of the leaves and seeds. This is a very quick-growing herb, setting leaves that can be harvested just 4 to 5 weeks after sowing the seed.

Product Details

Genus Coriandrum
Species sativum
Variety Calypso
Product Classification Annuals, Herbs, Seeds
Sun / Shade Full Sun
Bloom Season Start Early Summer
Bloom Season End Late Summer
Bloom Color Pink
Max Bloom Size 0.25
Foliage Color Medium Green
Habit Upright
Days To Maturity 50.00
Harvest Season Early Fall, Early Summer, Late Spring, Late Summer, Mid Fall
Resistance Heat Tolerant
Characteristics Cut-and-Come-Again, Edible, Herbs
Uses Beds, Containers, Cuisine, Foliage Interest, Outdoor

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Customer Reviews

Short, bushy, sweet.
Review by Tina Manfredi
My favorite variety of all the cilantro I grow. Not many places to get the seed, though. The flavor is not overpowering and the leaves are so crisp and abundant, yet the brightest green of all and takes a very long time to bolt as long as it is kept clipped. I think it is the shortest variety, yet has a nice spreading habit. It usually volunteers from dropped seed each season, so I don't often buy seed. There is such a demand in my area for fresh cilantro with great taste that now I have to purchase more seed. Other varieties put out enough seed that I could use, but I think Calypso tastes the best and puts out quality leaves the longest.
Terrific producer, great flavor!
Review by Julie G.
I'm fairly new to growing cilantro and planted this variety 2 years ago in a container for my salsa garden. It produced masses of leaves and didn't start bolting until nearly September (I direct sowed the last week in May). I tried a different variety last year and was extremely disappointed at how much different the yield was. Back to Calypso for me this year!

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