Homemade Pickles Cucumber Seeds

Homemade Pickles Cucumber Seeds

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4.5 (8)
Heavy yields and great disease resistance
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Key Characteristics
Days To Maturity


Sun / Shade

Full Sun

Description / Homemade Pickles Cucumber Seeds

Days to Maturity: 55

Especially bred for home pickling, these attractive, extra-tasty cukes will make perfect pickles every time. Boasting solid, crisp flesh and excellent bite, they should be harvested at about 1½ inches for tiny sweet pickles, or let mature to 5 or 6 inches for hefty, robust dills and spears. At whatever size, they are firm and tender-sweet. Plants grow very vigorously over a long season, with great disease resistance for even bigger yields. Support the bountiful vines with a trellis or staking.

Direct sow seeds in a sunny spot after all danger of frost is past, or start indoors and transplant when the first true leaf appears. Cucumbers can be allowed to grow on the ground, but for longer, straighter fruit and to save garden space, grow them in a cage or on a trellis, allowing 1 foot between plants. Keep them well-watered, and keep the fruits picked promptly.


Product Details

SKU 05118-PK-P1
Genus Cucumis
Species sativus
Variety Homemade Pickles
Product Classification Seeds, Vegetables
Sun / Shade Full Sun
Days To Maturity 55.00
Resistance Disease Resistant
Characteristics Direct Sow, Edible
Uses Cuisine, Outdoor

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  1. Julie

    Terrible germination rate 2 people found this helpful


    My plants haven’t grown enough to have any cucumbers yet, so I can’t speak to the quality of the fruit. The germination rate of the seeds is awful, maybe 10 out of 30 seeds sprouted and the seedlings are weak.
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  2. Happy TX Gardener

    Great Producer 1 people found this helpful


    These cucumbers kept right on growing even in the hot Texas summer. Every seed I planted from Park Seeds germinated and produced far beyond my expectations. I made gallons of sweet pickles, gallons of dill pickles, plus 12 pints of relish all from a small handful of seeds. These are the best tasting pickles and the most versatile cucumber/pickles I've ever grown!
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  3. Phyllis Lawson

    Seeds sprouted in less than a week. 1 people found this helpful


    Great product. Plants are now nearly 4 inches tall.
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  4. Chris

    More than I expected 2 people found this helpful


    I really enjoy making pickles. However, for years I have struggled finding the right type that would grow enough cucumbers to make it worth it to start a batch of pickles. These homegrown variety are more than prolific enough to make it worth it. I started seeds indoors and transplanted 12 plants to the garden in a 3x15ft section. They grew on supports over 6ft high. In 45 days, I had 30 lbs of small cucumbers. I waited another two weeks and had another 50 lbs. There were so many, I had the luxury to be selective for the best ones. Eventually, I had to shut them down and plant radishes, because I ran out of canning jars and space. Very crunchy and perfect size. I would recommend if you love pickles.
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  5. Bill Brown

    Just, wow. 0 people found this helpful


    Great pickling cuke, consistent size, few seeds, prolific producer. We have put up over 60 lbs off of six vines and probably gave away another 30 lbs. fresh to neighbors and friends. Still picking 5-10 a day at the end of July in Dallas, TX. Highly recommend.
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  6. Bill

    Great production 1 people found this helpful


    Germination was a bit spotty, but that turned out to be a blessing. We are picking 4-10 a day and since there's only two of us, the neighbors are enjoying the bounty as well.
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  7. Farmer Josh

    They came up good 0 people found this helpful


    I can't wait to try these pickling cukes in a fermenting crock I am going to let them get big and make sandwiches with them instead of Bread the sandwich will be on the pickle
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  8. Organic gardener, blogger, and garden magazine writs

    Everything It Claims and More 1 people found this helpful


    Beautiful performer in my Piedmont region garden of South Carolina even in an unusually rainy year (I've heard we got more rain this year than Washington State!) I planted 4 vines one 7' x 4' raised bed with bamboo teepee supports. The crisp sweet fruit is prolific and healthy, the vines covering the bed (even blanketing lady finger pea plants in a row beside them and reaching over to a couple cantaloupe vines I put in on the far side from my cuke plantings. I had a dozen quarts of kosher dills and a dozen pints of sweet pickle chunks already put up on shelves by the end of July! August looks good still for more pickling. I've enjoyed countless salads and sharing fresh cukes with family also. I'll definitely plant Homemade Pickles every year. Next year though, I'll give them more room and bigger teepees! Wahoo for the dill and sweet pickles I'll enjoy eating and sharing all year.
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